Craig Hoy MSP recently met with LINK to press the case for a banking hub in North Berwick.
Craig requested the meeting with Adam Wilkinson and Jennifer Lambert from the organisation amid concerns about the closure of the Bank of Scotland, to stress the importance of better cash access for the local community.
During the meeting, LINK confirmed that they had re-evaluated the case for a hub against new industry criteria and confirmed that a three-month statutory timeframe for establishing a banking hub will apply.
The body confirmed that Cash Access UK would look to establish a temporary hub while the permanent facility is finalised.
Craig previously said he did not believe the local Post Office would be able to cope with the displaced banking activities and that the hub would offer cash deposit and withdrawal facilities in addition to offering five retail banks an opportunity to offer banking facilities.
Speaking after the meeting, Craig said: “The establishment of a banking hub in North Berwick is essential to ensure cash access and banking services for residents in North Berwick and the surrounding villages. I’m pleased to see LINK agreeing with me in making this assessment. I am of course saddened that the last bank in North Berwick is closing, however it is good that there will be cash and banking services for residents.”
A banking hub is now considered vital for the area, with Link expanding its assessment criteria to include not only the town centre but also surrounding villages and areas. Previously, evaluations were limited to a 1km radius from the centre of town.
He added: “During the meeting, I asked Link to reassess Dunbar for a banking hub now that the criteria has changed. I am sure Dunbar residents would also benefit from a banking hub.”
While discussing the process for establishing a banking hub, LINK’s team member, Mr Wilkinson explained that Cash Access UK now takes over the delivery of the facility - handling everything from locating a suitable premises to lease arrangements and hiring staff. The banking hub will have a counter run by Post Office staff and a consultation room where customers can book appointments with representatives from five different banks, rotating Monday to Friday.
Craig plans to engage with Cash Access UK and encourages residents with suggestions for a suitable location to contact him directly.